Elsinore Project Kits

133 Dalmeny Drive, Prestons NSW 2170, Australia +612-96074650 & 0412-203382

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Why Buy A $3500 Elsinore "MFC" Mk6 Kit?

Other variations available.

(Includes Waveguides)

(offer mainly applies to Australasia - but all enquires welcome)

NOTE: The Crossovers are now mounted internally.

To help yourself and to help me. The hours that have been spent on the Elsinore Project, you do not want to know. A thousand hours plus, over a period of six years, would not be far from the truth. Some modest return seems fair - and you will gain something as well.

Here are some of the benefits to you. Not only will you have all the fiddly bits that you will not need to hunt down, but you will also have a direct line to me and my undivided attention. Under those circumstances, no question will be considered silly (the statement on the FAQ Page, please ignore) as you will be my client rather than just anybody fishing for information.

You don't need to pay for STD calls - contact me, text me, and I will call you.

"And a big thumbs up to Joe, who managed to withstand my barrage of emails asking stupid questions without telling me to "sod off" even once.  Joe is an absolute pleasure to deal with." Rob Davies, Queensland.

OK, here is what you will receive:

  • 8 x SB Acoustics SB17MFC35-8 MidBass Drivers

  • 2 x Scan-Speak D2608/913000 Tweeters

  • 2 x Waveguides including Black Hardware (comes mounted to D2608)

  • 2 x Complete & Fully Tested Crossovers

  • 2 x Pair of Terminals (for Back Panel)

  • 2 x PVC Ports cut to correct size - just glue in place

  • 10 x pieces wool/Dacron damping pieces - cut to exact size

  • 40 x Black Screws for MidBass Drivers and 810921 Tweeters

  • 8 x Black Screws for Terminals

  • 1 x Metre of good quality approved Solder

  • 16 x Metres of Teflon Coated Wire for internal wiring & Crossovers

  • Full set of Drawings in laser colour A4 for wiring etc.

  • Unlimited personal access by phone or email

You make the boxes themselves and choose the finish. Other than basic tools, soldering iron and glue etc, all the other bits you would normally have to hunt down are included.

The price is $3500, but there is a Miflex Capacitor option, contact us for details joeras@customanalogue.com. Most likely will come in tywo boxes. One with main drivers, another with tweeters and others pieces and and the damping material. Allow 2-3 weeks, Bank transfers into our business account is preferred, but Credit Cards via PayPal is also accepted, but they will charge additional fees around 3%.

As already stated, you will also get unlimited help from me and all questions that may come to mind, don't hesitate. If phone calls are required, call or email me and I will phone you back and pay for the time. I use VoIP and it is relatively inexpensive.

Additional offer: If the boxes are assembled and ready to go, and if dropped here and picked up, then for an additional $300 the speakers, I will personally fit the kit and you will hear the speakers here at the time of pickup.

Why would I do this for only $300? Because, when others assemble Elsinore speakers and then make a mistake, I may be judged on the basis of a faulty performance. At least I will know and you will know, that they are functioning exactly as intended!

Email me: joeras@customanalogue.com or Phone +612-96074650 or 0412-203382

Joe Rasmussen



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Copyright © 2003-17 Joe Rasmussen & JLTi
Last modified: Monday May 27, 2024

Just had a terrible thought. If "intelligent design" is unscientific, then who will design our audio equipment?